Experience Abisko

We get a lot of questions about our tours and Abisko in general, here are some of the more common ones you may have, and maybe a few you haven't even though to ask.


Q: Do I need a snowmobile license?

A: No, but you do need to have a drivers license valid in the EU if you want to drive one.

Q: Can I go on the tour if I don't have a drivers license?

A: Yes, you can either go on the back of a snowmobile with a friend that has a drivers license or book a seat in the sled.

Q: Will it be cold?

A: Snowmobiling can be quite cold depending on the weather, so dress warm. Overalls, boots, gloves and hats or helmets are included. For more details on dressing warm see the bottom of this page.

Q: Will we be able to switch drivers?

A: Yes, we will make several stops where you can switch drivers.

Q: Is there room to bring cameras or backpacks?

A: Yes, each snowmobile has a box for luggage on the back, and there is room in the sled as well.

Q: Do I need any driving experience for the tour?

A: It makes it easier, but it's not required. If you don't feel comfortable driving trough the forest on a snowmobile we recommend picking the sled option.

Q: Will we go very fast?

A: No, we typically drive about 15-20km/h or sometimes up to about 30km/h. The trails around Abisko are to small to drive fast.

Q: Will we see any animals?

A: Maybe, we do see wildlife fairly often, but not on every trip.

Q: Will the tour be canceled if the weather is bad?

A: We may cancel the tour if there is a severe snowstorm or extreme cold. We will make a decision on case by case basis if the weather looks difficult. If we have to cancel a tour due to weather we will offer you a new tour or a full refund.

Q: Is it dangerous?
A: If you are driving recklessly it could be dangerous, but as long as you are being careful and follow the guides instructions it's safe. If you are going in the sled behind the guide it's completely safe.

Snowmobile on a frozen lake near Abisko
Icicles near Abisko

Ice fishing

Q: Do you always catch fish

A: We do not always catch fish, but the vast majority of the time we do.

Q: Can I bring fish home with me?

A: Yes, as long as they are above the minimum size.

Q: Will the trip be canceled if the weather looks bad?

A: Maybe, depends on how bad.

Q: Will it be cold?

A: It varies quite a lot, if it's colder than -20 celcius we will offer you the option of canceling the tour. Otherwise dress warm. You can find advice on dressing warm on the bottom of this page.

Q: Do I have to kill the fish?

A: No, you can let it go back, or if you want to keep it but don't want to kill it yourself we can do it for you.

Q: Will you clean the fish?

A: Yes we will clean the fish for you.

Q: What equipment will we use?

A: We have several different rods depending on what we are fishing for and how we are fishing, and we have a large variety of different types and models of lures we can use.

Q: Can I bring my children?
A: Yes, but be aware that small children will require special attention if it gets very cold, bring extra blankets and hand warmers. For very small children you may want to be able to carry them inside your own winter clothing to protect them from the cold.

Q: Is the ice safe?

A: Yes, we do not bring guests out on the ice unless we have a large margin for safety. And if there are any dangerous areas nearby we will let you know not to go there.

Q: Do I need any special permit?

A: No, we will take care of all that for you.

Sunny day ice fishing near Abisko
Getting ready to do so i fishing

Fjord sightseeing and photography tour

Q: Do I need a passport to go to Norway?

A: If you live in any EU/EES country you do not need a passport, you just need a valid ID. If you live outside the EU/EES you should have your passport with you.

Q: Do I need to get a visa to go to Norway from Sweden?

A: No

Q: Do I need a camera for this trip?

A: No you can enjoy the fjords without a camera. And most phones can take good landscape pictures. But a system camera provides better optics and can give you more options on what kind of pictured you can take.

Q: How long will it take to Norway?

A: The border is about 25 minutes from Abisko and the first fjord is about 45 minutes away.

Q: Is it going to be cold?

A: A bit, the Norwegian coast is typically a fair bit warmer than Abisko, and we will make a series of short stops, so you don't have to be outside for very long each time.

Q: Will we walk a lot?

A: No, we will only make short walks from the car. But you should still wear shoes that can deal with a little bit of wet snow, you may need to step in some to get the best angles for pictures.

Q: Do I need cash to buy lunch?

A: No, everyone accepts card payments.

Q: Do I have to buy lunch?

A: No, you can bring your own food to eat on the tour, or go without if you feel like it.

Q: Will we visit Narvik?

A: Maybe, depends on which route we choose for the day.

Q: Can I bring my children?
A: Yes, but we do not recommend this tour for children under 3 years old. And the parent is always responsible for the child.

Polar stratospheric clouds in Abisko
View over Abisko from Björkliden

Aurora BBQ

Q: Will we see the aurora?

A: Probably, we have an aurora success rate of about 80%. But there is no guarantee. And the intensity varies a LOT.

Q: Will I get a refund if we don't see the aurora?

A: No

Q: Will the trip be canceled if the aurora forecast looks bad?

A: No, we do not go by the Aurora forecast. The simple reason is that the Aurora forecast just isn't very reliable.

Q: Will the trip be canceled if the weather looks bad?

A: Maybe, depends on how bad. If it's just cloudy we will not cancel, since we are in the mountains weather is very localized and changes quickly so even when it's cloudy we can often find holes in the clouds where you can see the Aurora. But if there is an extreme snowstorm we may cancel the aurora chasing. In which case you can choose if you want only the BBQ with a partial refund or cancel entirely for a full refund.

Q: Will it be cold?

A: The BBQ house is not very cold since we have a big fire in the center, it's however not indoors warm either. But during the aurora chasing it can get quite cold, so dress warm. There will be a short brake between the food and the aurora chasing so you will have time to get dressed then. We will provide warm clothing if needed If you need advice on dressing warmly you will find it at the bottom of this page.

Q: Do I need a camera to see the aurora?

A: Not usually. The really weak aurora may only show up on camera or look way better on camera than in real life. But the stronger auroras are clearly visible and look way better in real life than on camera.

Q: Do I need a tripod

A: A tripod or some similar method of holding the camera perfectly still is vital for good aurora pictures. If you don't have anything you can try seating the camera on the snow or on the ground.

Q: Can I bring alcohol?

A: Yes, but if you get drunk to the point where you disturbs the other guests or become a danger to anyone you will be excluded from the tour.

Q: Can I bring my children?
A: Yes, but be aware that small children will require special attention if it gets very cold, bring extra blankets and hand warmers. For very small children you may want to be able to carry them inside your own winter clothing to protect them from the cold.

Campfire in the montains over Abisko
Aurorra trough a snowstorm
Sstrong pink Aurora over Abisko

Fjord Fishing

Q: Do I need a passport to go to Norway?

A: If you live in any EU/EES country you do not need a passport, you just need a valid ID. If you live outside the EU/EES you should have your passport with you.

Q: Do I need to get a visa to go to Norway from Sweden?

A: No

Q: Can I bring fish home?

A: No, you are not allowed to bring fish you caught out of Norway unless you have stayed at a registered fishing camp.

Q: How long will it take to Norway?

A: Most of our potential fishing spots are 45 minutes to 1 hour away from Abisko.

Q: Is it going to be cold?

A: Possibly, we will spend the majority of the tour outside. Norway is typically a bit warmer than Abisko, but it can get windy so dress warm. If you need advice of dressing warm you can find it at the bottom of this page.

Q: Will we walk a lot?

A: No, we will only make short walks from the car.

Q: Do I need to know anything about fishing?

A: It is of course easier if you have some experience, but if you don't have any experience, don't worry, we will teach you what you need to know, and we will use beginner friendly fishing methods.

Q: Will we catch fish?

A: We almost always catch something.

Q: Will we go by boat?

A: No, we will be fishing from the shore.

Q: What tackle will we use?

A: We use mainly bottom angling baited with shrimp.

Q: What rods do we use?

A: We use Maximus shadow solid carbon rods with a casting weight of 80g.

Q: Can I bring my children?
A: Yes, but this is not a tour that is recommenced for children under the age of 12.

Fishing spot for fjord fishing near Narvik
Plaice caught near Narvik i autumn
Small fish in the fjord near Narvik

General about going to Abisko

Q: How long should I stay in Abisko?

A: We usually recommend at least 3 day, but the longer the better the chances to get to see the aurora.

Q: What's the best way to see the aurora?

A: To be outside in the dark under a clear sky as much as possible. Aurora chasing helps since you can move around and look for clear sky. And the guide can show you what to look for, weaker auroras may not be obvious to inexperienced people.

Q: What aurora prediction app or website do you recommend?

A: We do not recommend that you rely on any aurora predictions at all, none are very reliable.

Q: How do I get to Abisko?

A: You can fly to Kiruna and take a train or a transfer bus from there, or you can take a train all the way from Stockholm to Abisko. It's also possible to fly to Evenes in Norway, but transportation from there to Abisko is quite tricky.

Q: Should I rent a car?

A: If you are used to driving on icy roads and under extreme snow conditions you can rent a car. If you have little or no experience driving under winter conditions we do not recommend renting a car to drive here.

Q: What is the weather going to be like in two weeks or a month from now?

A: We don't know, weather forecasts in the mountains is not reliable at all for more than a couple of days in advance. And the weather in the mountains can vary a lot. Normal winter temperature ranges from a couple of degrees below zero down to -25°C.

Q: When is the best time to see the aurora?

A: There isn't really a best time to see the aurora. As long as it gets dark enough at night you have chances to see them. You usually see the first aurora of the season the last week of August and the last one the second week of April. We run tours from the first week of September to the last week of March. If you don't like to be cold September is the best month, and if you want to get the most out of other winter activities we recommend March.

Q: How should I dress warm?

A: There are a couple of basic principles to staying warm. First of is stay dry and second is you want a lot of non moving air surrounding you.

The way to achieve this is with the layer on layer principle. You have 3 different layers with their own purpose. Base layer, insulation layer and shell layer.

  • The base layer is what is directly on your skin. The base layers is the most important one, because it's job is to keep you dry. Here you want to avoid any plant based materials like cotton or bamboo, since they are made of cellulose they bind moisture, so all your sweat will get trapped on your skin and cool you down. The best material is merino wool, but synthetic fibers and silk will also works well, they all have solid fibers that allows moisture to pass trough and get spread out in all the layers.

  • The insulation layer is next, here you want something light and fluffy, whatever traps a lot of air is going to be good. If it's really cold you can add multiple insulation layers, as long as the shell layer doesn't get tight.

  • And finally a shell layer to protect everything from wind and moisture. This is very important because if you don't have something to stop snow and wind from getting to your inner layers they will not work properly. The shell layer often have insulation layers inside it as well.

  • Remember to weal large sizes. If clothes or shoes are snug they will squeeze the air out and reduce the insulation. Adding more socks will make it worse unless you have shoes big enough.

  • Cold feet and hands are often a symptom of cold legs and arms, so getting bigger boots and more socks might not help of you don't have enough on your legs.

  • Don't shower or use the sauna before going outside. Showering will moisten up your skin and you will get really cold really fast. In the arctic we shower in the evening before we go to bed.

  • Don't clean your face in the morning and don't use makeup or moisturizer. The best protection your face has against the cold are the natural oils you skin produces, don't wash them of.

  • When you are dressed, go outside. You don't want to start sweating.

  • Remember that it's more important to be comfortable than to look good.

  • Be wary of alcohol, it will make you feel warmer, but it will also make you loose core body heat faster.

  • Abisko Guesthouse rent out snowsuits to their guests, and snow suits are included for the aurora BBQ, Snowmobile tours and Ice Fishing.

  • Be especially careful with children, they get colder much faster than adults and may need extra protection from the cold. Really small children may need to be carried inside the shell layer of a parent under extreme cold.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact us. We will gladly answer your questions.